A Boost To Success Rates in Clinical Trials
Discover the potential for successful prediction: Elio’s unique phenotyping screening approach, positioned at early stages of the drug development, complements molecular omics technologies and enhances early efficacy and safety prediction for complex systems.
Unbiased Lens For Complex Biological System
Echoing the transformative impact of neural networks in fields like facial recognition, Elio revolutionizes cellular analysis without the limitations of predefined labeling methods.
Comprehensive microscope
Transform your research with Elio’s technology, providing a comprehensive view of cellular disease phenotyping with thousands of assays in seconds.
Into The Complex Sample
Delve into biology where it happens, with complex medium analysis of thick tissues, and 3D cultures requiring minimal preparation.
No damage. No dilution. No contamination.
Our technology unveils new dimensions of information while preserving sample integrity, requiring smaller quantities and increasing speed and efficiency.
A Biological Playground For AI
Elio builds the most advanced and flexible optical setup, providing a platform for AI to evolve and solve problems autonomously.